
Yahoo market data with yfinance in Python

Yahoo Market Data with yfinance in Python

I came across a useful technique recently to get Yahoo Market Data in Python … which still works!! In the past I have tried a number of methods and techniques to get market data. Often the API or free data service would be discontinued and the method stops working. However, obtaining Yahoo market data with…
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Variables in VBA (Dim)

Declaring and Using Variables in VBA

Variables can be a little tricky to get your head around at first.  They are an important concept and a good understanding of them leads to bug-free, easy to read and efficient code.  The length of this post reflects the importance of declaring and using variables sensibly in VBA. We will touch on the topic…
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Option Explicit

Option Explicit

One of the easiest ways to improve your VBA code is to include Option Explicit as the first line of each module within a VBA Project. Using Option Explicit forces all variables to be declared in some manner before they can be used. This might not sound important now since most of your code will…
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mathematica demonstrations project

Mathematica Demonstrations Project

This is a little gem that I found awhile back. Mathematica/Wolfram have a project whereby people can author a CDF document (computable document format). Once created they can be published online for free. The set of online CDFs was originally named the Mathematica Demonstrations Project (hence the title). However, it now looks to have been…
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Excel WorkSheet to CSV

Save Excel WorkSheet as CSV

How to Save an Excel Worksheet as CSV file using VBA.